Monday, August 6, 2012

The Voice and Swallowing Institute - Hints For Success

There are many reasons for “giving a talk”: a computer technician gives a training session, a
sales person presents a new product, an academic physician presents a patient for review, a
professor teaches a class, an accomplished professional in any field is asked to give a guest
lecture, a job applicant is asked to give a presentation as part of the interview process, an
attorney takes a case to trial. We all know people who are
“naturals” at giving talks -- they always sound prepared, they present a topic clearly, they know
when to add humor, they hold our attention, their slides are interesting, and they don’t appear
nervous. The secret, of course, is that these “natural” presenters have invested considerable
effort in acquiring excellent presentation skills and preparing their talk. And often they are quite
nervous – they just don’t let the audience know.

Click here to read the rest.


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